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You've been thinking about your retirement for years now, the things you want to do: travel more, spend more time with your family, take up a new hobby or just simply relax and consider all your options. However, if even if you have been investing and saving continuously, you will still find yourself asking questions like:

Will the money I've saved up last as long as I live?

Will my investments withstand the future cost of living which is constantly increasing?

Can my retirement savings and investment portfolios endure volatile and unpredictable market conditions?


Consider the Risks.

A thorough retirement plan involves the acknowledgement of risks associated when building a retirement income portfolio. The risks include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Longevity or the risk of running out of retirement funds because you live longer than expected

  • Inflation or the risk of losing your purchasing power over time

  • Sequence of returns or the risk of premature and bad market returns

  • Volatility of returns or the risk that’s usually associated when in investing in stocks and bonds

Addressing the Risks.

Your retirement advisor should be able to offer you investment products that you can use to address the above-mentioned risks. There are at least nine categories of retirement income investments that you should consider.

With the right plan, you can retire within 10 years.

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